synthesis characterization and flocculation propertie

Dec - 15

synthesis characterization and flocculation propertie

synthesis, characterization, and flocculation properties of

Synthesis, characterization, and flocculation properties of

The systematic development of a flocculant relies on a good understanding of flocculation process, polymer synthesis, polymer characterization, and, not the least, flocculation performance assessment as desired for a particular treatment process, all of which are essential to establish meaningful relationships between flocculant microstructure a...

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synthesis, characterization, and flocculation properties of

Synthesis, Characterization, and Flocculation Properties of

In this study, a new and facile route was employed for synthesis of polyamidine with abundant cations and attractive five-membered ringlike structural unit. N-vinylformamide and acrylonitrile copolymerized firstly to form intermediates, and the intermediates were processed with hydrochloric acid to …

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an efficiently sustainable dextran-based flocculant

An efficiently sustainable dextran-based flocculant

Coagulation is mainly induced by inorganic coagulants, such as polyaluminium chloride, polyferric sulfate, and polytitanium salt coagulants. 5–7 However, the use of these inorganic coagulants is limited due to the high dose requirement, low efficiency and large volume sludge production in practical applications. 6,8 Therefore, polymeric

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